Compaq LTE 286 was introduced in 1989. The processor is LTE 9.55 MHz Intel 8086. The memory is 640 KiB base RAM while it’s hard disk is just 20 MB (roughly just memory of 4 mp3s). It using 1.44 MB floppy drive (floppy disk generally not in use nowadays). LTE 286 is using Backlit grayscale CGA 640 x 200 display (80/40 x 25 lines, 4 shades of gray) with separate CGA video output. For available ports, this Compaq edition does not has USB ports. It has internal modem of 2400 bit/s Hayes and doesn’t have wireless feature . The screen is relatively smaller than the latest compaq edition. For other hardware, this laptop ( or rather called note book ) does not have webcam and much advance features like finger print reader and sound system.
Compaq Presario V6735B just introduced in 2008. While Compaq Presario V6735B has processor of AMD Turion X2 Dual-Core Mobile Processor RM-70 (2.0 GHz, 1 MB L2 cache). Mean while, the standard memory is 2 GB and is upgradeable up to 4GB RAM. It has very huge space of hard disk of 120 GB. This laptop come with DVD-ROM but without floppy disk as floppy disk no longer in usage. For the audio and video, this Compaq using ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics, 512MB. It also has USB ports and Express Card Slot. It has built in modem of Broadcom 802.11a/b/g/draft-n and Broadcom 802.11b/g which is can use wireless. This Compaq has bigger screen compared to his godfather and has higher screen resolution. For other hardware, this laptop does have webcam, card reader, and finger print reader.
The technology is improved rapidly since the the among the first edition of note book introduced into the market. Obviously, the new edition of Compaq is much more better than the first one with it’s specification. But, the technolgy will rapidly expand and more new models will introduced into market.
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